From National Park Service:
Olympic Hot Springs are natural, unmaintained hot water seeps located approximately 2.5 miles from the Boulder Creek Trailhead in the Elwha Valley. The pools are in a wilderness area and are not tested or treated by the park. They may contain harmful bacteria and use of these pools is at you own risk. These springs are only accessible by foot and no pets or bicycles are permitted. Backpackers must follow wilderness camping regulations and acquire a wilderness use permit. ALERT: The Elwha area is currently closed to vehicle trafficbeyond the Madison Falls parking lot at the park boundary due to extensive flood damage/road washout. Parking and turnaround space are limited.The Olympic Hot Springs Road is open to bicycle/pedestrian traffic beyond Madison Falls parking lot to the Boulder Creek Trailhead (7.8 miles one way). There are no visitor facilites beyond the gate at the parking lot. A bypass trail provides access around the flood damage. Be sure to check road status and trail conditions.